Many thanks to...
- Teemu Vehkaoja, Paul Watson, Gary Hoffman, Shawn Kenselaar,
and Kevin Wilson-Smith
- Eric Swenson for his track schematics
- the people at North Eastern Railroad (NERR) for supporting the FBL
- the members of Yonder Locomotive Works
- all the helpful forum members at www.train-sim.com, www.thetrain.de and
www.tssf.de (your posts are real life-savers), and of course to Nels & Sebastian &
the thetrain.de-team
- Mike Simpson for his great Route Riter - good job!
- Carlos A. M. Gomes for ConBuilder and Martin Wright for TGATool2
- Columbus Locomotive Works for the Alco PA model and to Mike Clark
and Loren Martell for the Alco PA pics
- Kurt Kaminer
- Ron Paludan
- Gary Boardley
- Bill Bzak (aka "LongHairedWizard")
- John Tackett (aka "ATSFDUDE")
- Peggy Belgard (aka "Darkest Rose")
- Brude Bridges
- Teemu Saukkonen (aka "Enocell")
- John Chambers
- William A. Barbur Jr. (aka "Smokewraith")
- Okrasa Ghia
- Gary Sprandel
- Jim Ward (aka "sniper") and Scott Miller
- Patrick Wise (aka "Hobart")
- Rich Garber for his Activity Tutorial
- anyone I have forgotten to mention...