Steam |
A repaint of the 2-8-0 Consolidation in FBL livery. Original model by Tim Clifford.
Repainted by Shawn Kenselaar (Yonder Locomotive Works).
Diesel |
FBL SD9 Pack. Four engines (#1110, #1112, #1114, #1115) in the old "Full Bucket Line" livery.
Original Model by Justin Cornell. Repainted by Jim England.
Requires GP9Cab by Graeme Cox ( in the file library)!
| &
FBL SD40-2 Pack. Four engines (#2001, #2002, #2003, #2004) in the old "Full Bucket Line" livery.
Original Model by MS/Kuju. Other textures by Kyle Fawson. Repainted by Jim England.
Requires custom cabview by Austin Seely and Alex Hall ( in the file library)!

Please make sure to get the update as well!
FBL F7 A&B Engine Set. Original freeware version 3.0 model by Marc Nelson.
Repainted in FBL Freight livery by Jim England. Requires custom cabview by Bill Hemb ( in the file library)!
FBL Budd RDC in the "Full Bucket Line" livery. A repaint of Gaetan Belanger's VIA Budd RDC by Robert Slater.
Five GE AC4400CW locomotives in FBL livery. Original models and textures by Jens-Chris Baerenz (NALW), physics by
Bob Boudoin, lighting by Kelley Ellison, repaint by Jonathan Nikiforovs (Yonder Locomotive Works). Includes
alternate .eng files for users who do not have NALW's GE Megapack 2.
SD40-2 Two-Pack. 2 units, #2023 (without dynamic brakes), and #2028 (with dynamic brakes).
Requires MSTS 1.2 update for cab and sounds. Original model by Train Artisan / Kuju as part of 1.2
update. Repaint by Shawn Kenselaar (Yonder Locomotive Works).
Full Bucket Line A-B-A Fairbanks Morse C-Liner set (engine numbers 90A, 90B, and 90C).
90A and 90C are cab units, and 90B is the booster. Original CP model package by John Fowlis.
Repainted by Jim England. Reskinned for the Full Bucket Line by Stuart Mitchell.
Full Bucket Line EMD SW1500 Switcher including cabview and sounds. Original model by Mark Toland.
Repaint by Stuart Mitchell.
Full Bucket Line U23B High Hood #1717. Original Model by John Peterson. Lighting by Kelley Ellison.
Physics by Bob Boudoin & Peter Baker. FBL Repaint by Kyle Norek.
Full Bucket Line C30-7, 6 units included (clean, weathered, and dirty).
Original model by John "AlabamaRailfan" Peterson. Phyics by Bob Boudoin.
Repainted by Shawn Kenselaar (Yonder Locomotive Works).
Includes 4 CF7's, one with heavy weathering, one with light weathering and 2 clean units, all featuring
different road numbers. Premade consist included for ease of use. Original model by Manuel Sanabria.
Repainted by Shawn Kenselaar (Yonder Locomotive Works).
EMD F units in fictional Full Bucket Line livery. Original model by 3DTrains. Repainted by Shawn Kenselaar
(Yonder Locomotive Works).
Dirty GE U23B in fictional Full Bucket Line livery. Modell by John "AlabamaRailfan" Peterson.
Repainted by Shawn Kenselaar (Yonder Locomotive Works).
FBL AI Train Light Fix. This patch enables the running lights on AI controlled ("Traffic") train
locomotives. These files fix the problems in FBL SD40-2 + Dash-9 locomotives and are meant to
overwrite the originals. Furthermore, the headlights are set to "Bright" when you start a new
activity (more realistic if you start in the dark). By Teemu Vehkaoja (Yonder Locomotive Works).
This is the first set of C44-9W (Dash 9) units in FBL paint scheme. Original paint scheme idea
John Ekhoff. Original model by Justin Cornell. Includes sample consists. Repaint by Teemu Vehkaoja
(Yonder Locomotive Works).
U23B in fictional FBL livery. Original model by John Peterson. Repainted By Shawn Kenselaar
(Yonder Locomotive Works).
SD40-2 in fictional FBL livery. Original model by Justin Cornell. Repainted By Shawn Kenselaar
(Yonder Locomotive Works).
Passenger Cars |
FBL Rivet Coaches Megapack. Set of 30 individualized heavy steel & wooden body coaches
in fresh and faded FBL colors. Original models by Gaétan Bélanger & Richard Foley.
Physics updated by Scott Borchard & Joseph Realmoto. Redesign/FBL repaint by L. A. Lusser
(aka "Swissie").
Freight Cars |
Pack of three 60ft. hi cube boxcars with flat roofs. Original models by Teemu Saukkonen/Enocell,
trucks by Okrasa Ghia. Repaints by Nicober.
FBL DMCX Hoppers. A four-pack of covered hoppers, painted and lettered for the fictional Olympia-based
Desert Minerals Corp. (DMCX). Includes loaded and empty versions of all four cars, with variating weathering.
Original shapes and textures by Teemu Saukkonen. Repaints by Teemu Vehkaoja (Yonder Locomotive Works).
MOW trainset for FBL featuring 250t crane + 2 cars. Original Model by Mark Toland. Modified
and repainted by Stuart Mitchell.
FBL Fruit Express Reefer. Requires MSTS v1.2 update. Original Model part of v1.2 update.
Repainted by Shawn Kenselaar (Yonder Locomotive Works).
Pack of three 89' Autoracks in the FBL livery. Includes a Bi-level rack, a Tri-level rack, and a 20-2
Tri-level rack. Original models and textures by Bruce Bridges. Physics by Bob Boudoin.
Repaints by Jonathan Nikiforovs (Yonder Locomotive Works).
FBL 1960s Style Auto Carrier. Model and textures by Brian Piotrowski. Physics by Bob Boudoin.
Repaint by Steve Spivey. Repaint for The Full Bucket Line by Stuart Mitchell.
FBL Woodchip Car FBLE #557808, loaded and empty versions. The model is a replacement shape file made by
Teemu Saukkonen (Enocell). Textures are based on the default US2WOODCHIPPER textures.
Repaint by Teemu Vehkaoja (Yonder Locomotive Works).
FBL 3-bay ACF CenterFlow Hopper Car. Model and textures by John D. Peterson. Lighting by Kelley Ellison.
Physics by Bob Boudoin. Repaint by Jonathan Nikiforovs.
FBL Freight Train Set #1 (10 cars in total). Includes two different 60' boxcars; empty and loaded oil tankers
for Newton Oil Corp.; empty bulkhead flat; bulkhead flat with pipe load; empty gondola; gondola with coal load;
empty and loaded grain hoppers. Original shape files by Kuju and Teemu Saukkonen. Repaints by Björn Arlt
and Teemu Vehkaoja (Yonder Locomotive Works).
FBL Ce8 Wide-Vision Caboose 2-Pack. Includes FBL Cabooses 999001 in the normal FBL caboose scheme,
and 999021 in the "Red Line Service" scheme. Original caboose model by Larry Goss.
FBL repaints by John Ekhoff (Yonder Locomotive Works).
A pack of five FBL Bethgon Coalporters in the "Red Line Service" scheme (FBLX 10000,
10105, 10011, 10010, and 10001; loaded and unloaded versions). Original model and textures
by the people of TrainArtisan. Repaint by John Ekhoff (Yonder Locomotive Works).
89' KTTX Flat Cars in fictional FBL livery. Original model by Clifford Timm. Repaint by Shawn Kenselaar,
FBL paint idea by John Ekhoff (Yonder Locomotive Works).
Activities for Version 2 |
The following activities work for the "Full Bucket Line" Version 2 only!
2 Southern Pacific freight activities for the FBL V2.0.
Both activities use the 3D Perfection Southern Pacific GP20 payware pack plus various other freeware locos
and freight cars (full details are given in the readme).
By Robert Slater.
A pack of 3 passenger activities for the FBL V2.0. All 3 activities use the FBL Budd RDC plus assorted
additional default MSTS or FBL loco and freight cars (full details are given in the readme).
By Robert Slater.
Many more activities are waiting for you at
North Eastern Railroad!